The new Orca RX2 5.5T Brushless Motor was tested today at the ARC Speedway Singapore on P.Y.Tang Xray T3. The RX2 is the newest range of Brushless Motors from Orca product line featuring 4.5T to 17.5T, which is designed and developed with a simple thought to look for more speed and performance. The RX2 5.5T was tested with turbo boost on the Orca Vritra TC Pro-Spec ESC immediately bringing down the laptimes. The Xray was very easy to drive in the in-field like a regular high torque 5.5T but on the long straights, it was much faster than a 4.5T motor without turbo boost. After 5 minute of testing, the Vritra ESC was temp at 50degC and the RX-2 Motor was barely reaching 60 DegC, with a fan on the motor. The RX2 is a easy-to-maintain motor and easy-access to the ball bearings for regular maintenance made it easier. P.Y.Tang added that the Orca engineers did a fantastic job in developing this ESC and motor combination providing cool and efficient power, which he thinks will be the next generation in modified racing, and many end-user will need to worry less about high temperature burnout or thermal cut. A quality sealed RX-2 also comes with two motor screws, high quality sensor cable and or course, the Orca logo stickers. As the testing was disrupted by rainstorm, we can't wait for another day of testing to try different setup of the turbo settings to suit different layout, and also the new RX-2 6.5T and 7.5T Brushless Motor.
Orca Vritra TC Pro-Spec ESC Settings*:
Final Drive Ratio: 7.6-7.9
Timing: 12
Turbo Delay: Off or 0.05
Turbo Timing: 36
Turbo Interval: 2 or 3
PWM: 32K
Drag Brake: 1%
Brake Freq: 1KHz
*settings may not be suitable for other brand of motor.
Equipment on the Xray T3:
Orca Vritra TC Pro-Spec ESC
Orca RX-2 5.5T Professional Brushless Motor
Orca Power Boost
Orca Infinite 6000Mah 60C
Orca 16V ESC Capacitor Plate
GFT Dish Wheel
Sorex 40R
Protoform Mazda Speed 6
Hara Super Soft Springs
Sanwa M11X