Wirawan Hamidoon (left)
Wirawan Hamidoon from Brunei driving for H-Energy recently attended the Bintang Megamall EP Touring Competition in Miri, Malaysia. Wirawan Hamidoon TQ and winning the 1:10 EP Touring Class. The event was an exhibition race held in a shopping mall with a small and technical carpet track at the heart of the mall. About 40 drivers in the region registered for the 1:10 EP Touring and 1:10 EP Drifting Class. Touring car drivers had a hell of a time trying to maneuvour their overpowered car around the sub 5 second track, doing a whopping 56 laps in 5 minutes.

Wirawan Hamidoon stated that no turbo ESC is needed in this small track layout as the H-Energy 5500 50C High Performance LiPo and the Orca RX2 11.5T Professional Brushless Motor gave plenty of power in his Sakura Zero. Congratulations to Wirawan Hamidoon for the win for H-Energy and Orca.