Quantum Racing Hobby is proud to bring you another quality brand from Avid Racing Concepts.
Avid RC has been racing at the top level winning over 24 National level races in offroad nitro/electric, onroad nitro/electric, and even drag racing nitro/electric around the globe. Avid RC consist of the the most talented and pleasant racers to be around. Their 2010 Avid Racing Team includes big names such as Adam Drake, Jason Ruona, Ty Tessmann, Ryan Cavalieri, Travis Amezcua, JR Mitch, just to name a few.

Some of the products that is available from Avid Racing Concepts are the Revolution Ceramic Series Bearings. These are a low friction bearing with several options to help satisfy anyone's desire. What makes this bearing unique is that it has a rubber seal on one side while having a metal shield on the other. Instead of the steel balls they use silicone nitride ceramic balls (Si3N4). Rubber seals are great protectors against dirt but the price is that they offer a little more friction due to the tighter seal. Now the performance of a metal shield is excellent but allows dirt to get in easily. So with the Revolution series, you run the rubber side towards the outside and the metal towards the inside. You get the protection of the rubber but the added performance by having one less rubber seal. But you don't have to stop there, if you are truly performance oriented and want the least amount of friction then your in luck. You can quickly pop off the rubber seal with an x-acto pen knife and place the metal shield facing outward in your hubs. This is the best performance you could attain while maintaining some protection from dirt.

Products that are available from Avid Racing Concepts includes ceramic bearings, standard metal bearings, ceramic diff balls. thrust bearings, engine bearings and brake pads.
For more information on Avid Racing Concepts product, please visit www.quantumracing-rc.com or contact us at enquiries@quantumracing-rc.com